What is Chutney?
A web based application what allows a campus full of bright ideas and initiatives to come together, borrow and learn from each other. Participants can add their own projects (raw ideas, work-in-process products and finished goods) or browse through other's projects. Each project includes description, tracks status, and links to further resources. 
Two key features of the portal are - Challenges and Linking.
Challenges: If anyone needs help with their project, they can mark it as a challenge. To be a challenge, it must have a specific problem statement, or a call for help. It may include a deadline.
Linking: All posts can be linked to other posts that might be related, or that a user thinks could solve a specific problem relevant to the current project. Some posts are auto linked (using content and tags) while others can be linked by user.
Chutney walk-through. You can try a preliminary prototype here.

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