The main concept of the installation was for the people to reflect on the complex and confusing world we live around. The idea was put forth using three abstract illustrations depicting global warming, war and utopia as show below with a big eye staring back at you.
These images were cut and jumbled on a long prism shaped structure as show below. The interaction aimed here was for the people in the conference to form teams to solve the visual puzzle in the long prism-shaped structure, by rotating them using the randomly mapped switch controllers. This random mapping was done intentionally to make it difficult for the participants to remember the switch & prism combination to solve the puzzle. The underlying theme was for the people to first solve the confusion and reflect upon the worlds they created. 
The entire installation required a wooden frame to hold and rotate the prism-shaped images, 12 DC motors of 60 rpm, TIP 122 darling-ton transistors, switches and a lot of wires. The pictures below shows the making of the installation by our team.

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